Some family ties are stronger than string.
The prompt is:

Jenna stared at the map on the wall. Twine connected push pins stabbing cities all across Europe.
“What’s the point of this, again?”
Stuart looked up from the bottle of wine he was opening.
“Oh, I’m tracking the movement of my suitcase.”
His face was deadpan, but Jenna’s wasn’t. “Your suitcase? How…”
He let his lips curl into a smile. “I built a dynamic bag tag—you know those paper tapes that they wrap around the handle when you check a suitcase?” Jenna nodded. “Well, I made one with e-ink that is programmed to randomly change its destination during every flight. So, when it gets unloaded and scanned, the airline thinks it should be on a connecting flight. They put it on that flight and away it goes.”
“What’s in it?”
“Just a couple of batteries, an altimeter to tell when it’s in the air, and a laptop to run it all.”
“That’s either genius, or—”
Sirens on the street outside interrupted her.
“—or incredibly stupid,” she finished.
Stuart looked out the window, and his face blanched. The street was lined with police cars, black SUVs, and a SWAT vehicle from which a squad of heavily armed men jumped out and ran into the apartment building.
The sound of boots on the stairs was followed immediately by pounding on the apartment door.
“Stuart Kaczynski, open your door and come out with your hands up!” roared a bullhorn from the street.
Stuart stood, frozen, staring wide-eyed at Jenna. When he didn’t move, she hissed, “Open the friggin’ door, you idiot.” She already had her hands in the air.
“Why…why are they here?” he stammered, terrified. Jenna pointed to the map. “But the suitcase is just a joke,” he said.
Exasperated, Jenna asked, “Who did you say your uncle was?”